Thursday, July 17, 2008

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream . . .

I stayed up until 11:30 last night and when the 4:30 alarm went off, I was in no condition to get out of bed. I have come to the conclusion that rest days required between running days are more closely linked to my sleep patterns than they are to standing down my running, walking, or other physical activity. I actually NEED 7-8 hours of sleep per night - Amazing! I must find a way to rearrange things so I can get that.

Of course, when the 6:00 finish to the baking cycle in the breadmaker announced that bread was done, I found a way to get out to the kitchen. Nothing like fresh bread with maple butter.

Plurking has become a distraction ( This, too is having a negative effect on my sleep and productivity.

In other news, fermentation continues in my IPA batch, and seems to be going nicely in the secondary phase. Might pull a sample this weekend and test gravity in preparation for bottling. New beer project will be weizenbier.

My first retreat has been scheduled for August 15-17. I will be visiting the Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Conyers, GA for the weekend to regroup thoughts and reset my mind spiritually for the coming school year. Once August arrives, Cub scouts will go into overdrive, kids will be back at school, work will be into budgeting season, and time will be short. I am so looking forward to the break and opportunity for reflection and contemplation. I will devise a detailed plan in order to make the most of the weekend. I might even make this a habit (no pun intended - Monastery, Habit, get it?)and do it twice a year.

I have also been on hold with Amazon's most helpful customer service helpdesk while composing this post. Hopefully that will be over soon.

Cheers and Peace!

Weight 259 21/79
How I feel 7.5/10
How I ate 6/10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was referred to this site by a friend because I am doing something similar. Good luck in your endeavor, and stick with it! If you ever need an encouraging word to keep going, I'll be more than happy to oblige (and I wouldn't mind if you could return the favor.) Enjoy the retreat in Conyers. That's something I would love to do myself. Peace.